4 Ways to Boost Energy

run for energy
When we think about energy how often do we think about powering down or turning off. So here are a few examples of how we can improve our energy:
1. Detoxifying our bodies consumes energy-
When we expose our bodies knowingly or unknowingly we still need to clear our bodies of substances that could harm our body if they remain inside long enough. These toxins include mold, metals, and any other chemical exposure that might be present in the home or work environment. Also, some people have a genetic tendency to not break down toxins effectively due to liver cytochrome P450 genetic SNPs, So certain medications may build up and act as toxins within their body. Other toxins may include common household exposures from rugs, cleaners, perfumes, shampoos, lotions, and inorganic food might be enough to jeopardize their energy.
2. Avoid sugary foods-
Simple carbs, fried foods and excess fats, as well as processed foods and foods with dyes and preservatives. If I do not know a patient’s sensitivities and want to start a general dietary plan, I find the Mediterranean Diet is often the best place to start, and I include green tea, berries, and apples, for these have mitochondria-building phytonutrients.
3. Sleep-
Getting 6-8 hours of sleep every night can give our bodies a boost the next day. When you need a little extra help we recommend taking magnesium glycinate or magnesium threonate.
4. Supplements
– N-acetyl-cysteine, Alpha-lipoic acid, and b vitamins can really make a fast impact on how energetic we feel.
Want to learn more about energy and mitochondria click here.