Take Control and Feel Your Best
Feeling out of balance can be overwhelming, but with the right approach, you can regain control and live your best life by optimizing your bio-identical hormone replacement therapy! The good news is that hormone balances, which are more common than you may think, can be effectively treated. By utilizing the benefits of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, you can combat issues like mood swings, memory problems, hot flashes, foggy thinking, and muscle loss. Estrogen dominance or a low progesterone level can cause mood swings plus memory and energy problems; an estrogen shortage will bring on hot flashes while simultaneously fogging up thinking power; too little testosterone leads to deteriorating bone/muscle mass along with lessened libido…the list goes on. Luckily each one comes with its own set of solutions that – when applied correctly – could have profound effects in bringing harmony back into your system!
There Is Always a Solution
What are the different kinds of hormone imbalances?
- Estrogen Dominance or Low progesterone – Mood swings, migraines, fat gain on hips and thighs
- Low Estrogen or Fluctuations of Estrogens- Triggers hot flashes, night sweats, palpitations, foggy thinking, vaginal dryness
- Low Testosterone or DHEA – Leads to decrease in bone or muscle mass, metabolism, energy, strength, and libido
- High Cortisol- Anxiety, sugar cravings, tired and wired, increased belly fat
- Low Cortisol- Chronic fatigue, low energy, food cravings, low immune reserves
- Neurotransmitter imbalance- low estrogen can lead to a drop in serotonin
- Thyroid imbalance- Low estrogen can lead to thyroid symptoms, ie. slowed metabolism and always feeling cold.
- Low Vitamin D- click here to learn more.
When does perimenopause start?
- Perimenopause- between ages 35-50
- Natural menopause- ages 50-52
- HRT- Could be Vitamin D or thyroid replacement
- BHRT- Bioidentical means hormones that are the most similar to what your body is or was already producing
What are the long term effects of reduced estrogen?
Reduced estrogen can have serious long-term implications, such as an increased risk of developing osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases like heart disease or stroke. Taking steps to ensure that your hormones remain balanced is essential for protecting yourself against these potentially devastating illnesses.
What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Hormone replacement therapy allows you to take control of your mind and your body. Hormones are compounds that are engineered to look and behave in our bodies just like our natural hormones (which our bodies produce regularly). Hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, DHEA, thyroid, melatonin, and progesterone, all have bio-identical hormone equivalents. These are processed by the body easily, with minimal side effects. That’s because bio-identical hormones are created from natural ingredients (usually soy or wild yams) and thus will not have any harsh consequences on the body unlike synthetic compounds that were used in the past for hormone replace therapy.
What are the different kinds of hormones?
- Androgens– As women reach menopause, their levels of testosterone and DHEA may drop dramatically. Fortunately, these hormones are known for providing several life-enhancing benefits – from increasing libido to boosting mental alertness. They also play an important part in preserving cardiovascular health as well as strengthening bones!
- Estrogens– Estrogens work together to maintain normal psychological balance and provide women with important hormone replacement therapy. Estrone, estradiol, and estriol are the three hormones in this group that collaborate to bring about a positive effect on female health. Understanding their unique roles can help ensure we make informed decisions when it comes to our wellbeing.
- Progesterone- During perimenopause, women can experience estrogen dominance which puts them at risk for endometrial cancer. Fortunately, progesterone (P4) provides meaningful protection and offers a more desirable alternative to traditional synthetic progestins. This hormone helps bring balance back into the body so that you feel secure again in your health journey!
What treatment options should I discuss with my doctor regarding my menopausal symptoms?
- Phytoestrogens including trans-reservatrol and Ipriflavone
- Supplements including Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Licorice Root. Click Here for other supplements.
- Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy– Combinations of E1, E2, E3, P4, and DHEA have been effective in treating various vasomotor symptoms associated with menopausal hormone imbalance. Formulations include progesterone troches, topical and vaginal creams, oral capsules. Various ratios of these hormones exist in the female body, and in order to mimic these ratios, formulations often have to be compounded to contain some proportion of the three estrogens. TriEst is a common name given to formulations containing E1, E2, and E3 while BiEst is a common name given to formulations containing E2 and E3. BiEst generally contains 80% estriol and 20% estradiol, while TriEst contains 80% estriol, 10% estrone, and 10% estradiol. A prescription written for 2.5 mg of BiEst will actually contain 2 mg of estriol (E3) and 0.5 mg of estradiol (E2) if using a conventional 80:20 ratio.
How can working with our compounding pharmacy help?
At Webster Pharmacy, we understand that everyone is unique. That’s why our team of dedicated pharmacists work hard to provide you with personalized treatment options crafted for you.
Take the First Step
Q: Is hormone replacement therapy safe?
A: Because bio-identical hormones are created from natural ingredients and are structurally identical to natural hormones, they are considered the safest form of hormone replacement therapy on the market today.
Q: Which Bio-Identical Hormones Do I Need And How Is That Determined?
A: To determine what bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is best, you will fill out a detailed personal medical profile and undergo a saliva test to check your hormone levels. Once your results come back in about a week , our pharmacist will sit with you and discuss your results as well as a recommended course of treatment, which is usually carried out on a regular basis for a certain period of time.
Q: Are There Any Side Effects To Taking Hormone Replacement Therapy?
A: A sudden increase in hormones in the body may trigger certain short-term side effects such as increased hair growth on the face as well as an outbreak of acne. Women may experience sensitivity in their breasts and spotting. Some of these side effects will subside on their own after your body has adjusted to the therapy. Other symptoms like spotting can be alleviated through the use of progesterone capsules at bedtime.
Q: Can I Improve My Sex Life By Taking Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Struggling with a low sex drive can leave you feeling out of energy and frustrated. Taking bio-identical hormones that mimic testosterone could be just what you need to boost your libido and recharge so that you feel more like yourself again. Learn more by clicking here.
Q: Are There Other Medical Benefits To Hormone Replacement Therapy?
A: Taking bio-identical hormones have been shown to have protective qualities against breast and ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, high cholesterol, and heart disease.
Q: Am I Still A Good Candidate For Hormone Replacement Therapy If I Haven’t Gone Through Menopause?
Yes, there are other reasons other than menopause to use BHRT.