Nutrient Depletion Review
At Webster Pharmacy & Wellness, our goal is to ensure you are receiving the maximum benefit from your medications and minimizing the side effects. Most “maintenance” medications for chronic illnesses when taken for multiple years can deplete chronic vitamins, minerals, and health fats required for normal body function.
Medications for high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, and pain can all lead to lower levels of iron, magnesium, coq10, and b vitamins. One of the most common nutrient depletions is with COq10 and statins. Some people complain that they get muscle pain or muscle cramps, while other people complain of foggy thinking or high blood sugar. These are all symptoms of coq10 depletion. To learn more about coq10 depletion
So next time you are at our pharmacy ask our pharmacist the following questions:
Are my medications depleting any key nutrients?
Are there any natural alternatives to my current medications that don’t deplete critical nutrients?
While medications are a great way to help you manage your symptoms, they can also deplete your body of vital nutrients. Fortunately our staff of pharmacists and technicians receive ongoing training in drug induced nutrient depletion.
If you are interested our pharmacist will schedule a time to complete a nutrient depletion review. During your review we will evaluate your medications, answer any questions you may have, and discuss suggested diet changes, recommend vitamins and supplements, and more. If you feel like a nutrient depletion review is right for you, contact us today.